
Hi, my name is Cvijan Djukanovic
I'm a Web Developer.

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About me

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I am Cvijan, a self-taught web developer, and I am highly motivated person looking for new opportunities in IT world. Learning new things and new skills is something that I enjoy a lot. I do not have a lot of experience with working on jobs behind me, but I did some projects on my own, and you can check them below. Also I contributed to some open-source projects on GitHub, so I got used to using it too.

Also, I am a team player, and I absolutely enjoy helping other people.

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Tax calculator

I made this website as a part of bigger project, but it ended up being a site for itself, so I decided to publish it and showcase code. It is build in ReactJS.

See Live Source Code

Face Detection

I made this website to showcase knowledge of connecting front and back, I used ReactJS for frontend part, as for the beck I used NodeJS, ExpressJS, and for Database I used postgreSQL. The main purpose of this app is to accept a link of picture with person on it and detect face using Clarifai API. Also, it as fully functional register and singIn forms and passwords are being encrypted using bcrypt and stored as hash in Database.

See Live Source Code(front) Source Code(server)

Portfolio site

I made this website for myself to use as portfolio site, to showcase my projects inculduing code links and live preview. It is bult using HTML, CSS(SASS), JavaScript.

See Live Source Code

Atelje Simikic

I made this website for company "Atelje Simikic" from Belgrade. It is just a simple React site with their projects and their contact info.

See Live Source Code

Responsive layout template

I like this project because I can test a lot of things here, and I can always try out new ways to make it even more responsive. It is made for me to have template for future project, and to use it as testing platform for new thins that I learn. This project is made using HTML, CSS and the focus is on responsivnes.

See Live Source Code

React App RoboApp

This project is nothing big, it is just an React project where I tried to implement my React knowledge and where I used API to fetch users from. This project is made using ReactJS.

See Live Source Code

Gradient backround

This project did not take a lot of time to make, but it is so usefull because I can check how some variants of colour look in gradient as backround and I can easily copy the code for css directly from site since it is written as soon as you select colours for your backround. Also, it saves your last choice of colours. Tihs project is made with HTML and CSS.

See Live Source Code


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